Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening

Our laser teeth whitening procedure allows us to whiten your teeth as much as eight shades brighter in just one visit.

The process starts with protecting the gums and lips so that only the teeth become exposed to the gel and laser during the procedure. Next, a bleaching gel is applied to the desired area and lightened with a laser to speed up the whitening process. Now you can have beautiful, white teeth in half the time!

Patient's Teeth Before & After Laser Teeth Whitening

8 Shades Whiter

Using whitening gel combined with our laser allows your teeth to experience up to eight shades of improved brightness.

Minimal Irritation

With the help of gel and lasers, minimal irritation occurs since stains on the teeth are broken up and diluted beforehand.

Results In One Visit

Lasers allow the teeth whitening process to happen in a shorter amount of time than ever before. You can expect to see results after the first visit!

Includes Full Mouth X-Ray and Treatment Plan

Exámenes y limpieza

Includes Full Mouth Cleaning

White Filling

Includes 1 Composite Filling

Laser Teeth Whitening

Minimally Invasive Techology


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi. Praesent fringilla pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Nunc id massa ut mi tempus mattis ac eu lectus. Praesent egestas eleifend porta. Sed posuere venenatis libero quis tempor. Nulla metus mi, malesuada eu risus nec, placerat imperdiet ex.

5437 E. Grand Ave

Dallas, TX 75223


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Horarios de Apertura

L, Mie., J, V: 10am - 6pm
Sab: 9am - 3pm

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